
Showing posts from 2015

The Year in Review: 2015

Non-surgical Methods of Feline Sterilization and Contraception

Reader Question: Is there any Advice for an Owner of a Longhair Cat that gets Heavily Matted?

Reader Question: My Cat is Peeing Outside the Litter Box. Is it because of the Other Cats in the Household?

Aung San Suu Kyi and a brief history of the Burmese democracy movement

50 Cat Safe Plants For Your Garden

Feline Body Parts - The Liver

Aggressive Neighboring Cats

Last day in Oslo: The National Gallery and the Contemporary Art Museum, a last peek at the Opera House, and then (sigh)... home.

Oslo: City Hall and the Opera House, The Edvard Munch Museum, the Botanical Gardens, and a final walk through GrunlerlĆøkka.

Arrival in Oslo: Walking tour of this beautiful city.

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 10 - Last day in Paris. Exploring Montmartre and the Museum Fragonard at the Veterinary School.

Paris-Amsterdam Day 9 - Promenade Plantee, Cat Cafe, and Pompidou Center

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 8, Part II

Amsterdam and Paris - Day 8, Part 1 - The CimitiĆØre des Chiens (or, I DO Wanna Be Buried in a Pet Sematary)

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 7 - The Marais, Saint Germaine des Pres, and the Museum of the History of Medicine

Reader Question: A Gastrointestinal Cat Query. Is it Feline Colitis; a Colon Infection?

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 6 - The Canal St. Martin, Belleville, and the Pere Lachaise Cemetery

Reader Question: What could the issue be if my cat is having trouble jumping up onto furniture?

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 5 - Goodbye Amsterdam, Hello Paris

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 4 - Markets, Parks, a Cat or Two, and the Eurovision Song Contest

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 3 - The Red Light District, Amstelkring Museum, and Westerpark

Disorders of the Feline Esophagus (and the Difference between Vomiting and Regurgitation)

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 2 - The Six Collection, Electric Ladyland (the First Museum of Fluorescent Art), and EyeBar

Be Careful with Flurbiprofen around Cats

Amsterdam and Paris 2015 - Day 1 - Arrival

Feline Acromegaly

Shelter Cats Rule - Student Noah Glassman talks with Dr. Arnold Plotnick and other Feline Pros about Shelter Cats

In Memoriam: Missy - From Rescue Cat to In-Clinic Living

Cats and the Veterinary Physical Exam - Twice a Year For Life

Reader Question: What is causing my cat's chronic diarrhea?

Dr. Arnold Plotnick Now a Writer for Catster

Response to the Story of the Vet that Shot a Cat with an Arrow

Crispy the Cat and her New Challenges

Georgia Engel and Dr. Arnold Plotnick

Lymph Node Enlargement in the Cat