Fleas and Flea Control in Cats
Summer is over, and a lot of cats are rejoicing. It may be a
fun season for people, but it can be miserable for cats, because warm and humid
weather is paradise for fleas. Few
creatures living on Earth today have had as much impact on world history as the
common flea. From the black plague
during the 14th century to the present, fleas have been the cause of much grief.
To better
understand how fleas torment cats and humans, and how best to combat them, it
is important to understand the life cycle of the flea. Once a flea jumps on a cat, it stays there
for its entire life. Contrary to popular
belief, fleas do not jump from one cat to another. Although the flea spends its
entire life on the cat, the majority
of the flea’s life cycle occurs while off
the cat. When a female flea hops on a
cat, it begins feeding on blood within minutes.
Ingestion of blood is required for the flea to be fertile and
reproduce. Approximately 24 hours later,
the flea begins to lay eggs, about 40-50 per day. As the cat moves around the house, it acts
like a living salt-shaker, disbursing the flea eggs in the environment, mainly
in the areas where the cat sleeps or rests.
Within a week, larvae hatch from flea eggs. The larvae try to avoid
light and burrow into carpets, cracks in hardwood floors, and other humid areas
such as concrete floors in damp basements.
Five to twelve days after that, larvae spin a cocoon in which they
develop into pupae. One to three weeks later, baby fleas emerge from
pupae. These newly hatched fleas wait
for the cat to pass by, and then they hop on, and the life cycle starts all
over again. The entire flea life cycle takes 3 to 6 weeks. If you were to assess all of the life stages
of the flea as a population, adult fleas comprise only about 5 per cent. Eggs make up 50% of the population, with larvae
at 35% and pupae at 10%. In other words,
if you’re seeing adult fleas on your cat, you can be sure that there is a
veritable flea factory looming nearby. Even if a cat spends its entire life
indoors, it is not immune from these pesky critters. Fleas are hitchhikers – they jump onto your
clothing, and you bring them back home, where they hop onto your unsuspecting
At best,
fleas can make your cat itchy and uncomfortable. At worst, they can transmit dangerous
diseases. While dogs usually bite or
scratch at fleas, cats use their barbed tongues to remove them, often abrading
the skin in the process. The most prevalent skin disorder in small animals is
flea allergic dermatitis (FAD). This is more than just a mechanical irritation
from the flea. When fleas bite the cat,
they deposit their saliva into the skin before ingesting blood. Proteins in the flea saliva can induce a
hypersensitivity reaction in some cats.
This allergic reaction causes severe itching, and cats often develop
small crusty papules and hair loss on their neck and face, and most notably
down their back, in the classic “racing stripe” pattern.

some of the infectious agents transmitted by fleas may affect humans, the
American Association of Feline Practitioners recommends year-round flea
control. Historically, the most
effective approach was the three-step method:
treatment of the yard, home, and cat.
The newer flea and tick control products, however, are so effective that
treatment of the premises is rarely necessary, especially if the cat resides
totally indoors.
sprays, flea dips, and flea shampoos have become obsolete. Flea control is now achieved through the use
of products that are either given orally or topically once a month. Some of these products are effective not only
against fleas, but other parasites as well, including ticks, heartworms, ear
mites, hookworms, and roundworms.
A variety
of flea control products are available to cat owners. Common products include those
that contain either imidacloprid (Advantage), fipronil (Frontline), dinotefuran
(Vectra), spinetoram (Cheristin) or selamectin (Revolution). These products are applied to the skin on the
back of the neck. They sink into, and then spread through, the layer
of fat beneath the skin, killing any adult fleas that are present on the
cat. The advantage of these products is
their residual activity; they continue to kill fleas for at least thirty days. After 30 days, a new dose is applied. These products are very safe, and very
effective. Oral flea control products
are also available. Nitenpyram (Capstar) is an oral medication that is good for
heavy flea infestation. A single oral
dose of nitenpyram will kill all of the adult fleas on a cat. It starts to work
within 30 minutes of administration.
Nitempyram has no residual effect, so if the cat gets re-infested with
fleas, an additional dose may be required.
It can be given safely as often as every day. Nitenpyram can be used together with other
flea products. Spinosad (Comfortis) is
an oral formulation that kills 100% of adult fleas on a cat by 24 hours after
administration. Spinosad has residual
effect; it continues to kill adult fleas for 30 days before the next oral dose
is required. Lufenuron (Program) is an insect growth regulator – a product that
works by interfering with the growth and development of fleas, but has no effect
on adult fleas. It is given orally once
a month, however, an injectable form is available that is effective for six
months. When a female flea ingests blood
from a cat treated with lufenuron, the eggs she produces will be
infertile. Because lufenuron does not
kill adult fleas, it is better suited to prevent a continual flea problem. It does not stop a flea from biting, so it is
not ideal for cats with flea allergic dermatitis. If quicker results are needed, a product that
kills adult fleas should be used.
For cat
owners who prefer to use flea collars, there is a collar (Seresto) that
contains a sustained release formulation of the flea-killing compound
imidacloprid, in combination with flumethrin, which kills ticks. The collar kills fleas and ticks for 8
months, reducing the need for monthly application of topical products. The
collar also has a “break-away” mechanism, so if it gets caught on something, it
will release, rather than cause injury to the cat.
Cat owners should be aware
that in an effort to tap into the lucrative flea-control market, some
manufacturers have produced flea control products with packaging similar to the
veterinary products, i.e. in small, single dose tubes for topical
application. These products contain
permethrin, an insecticide commonly found in low concentrations in a variety of
canine and feline flea sprays and shampoos.
In low concentrations, cats tolerate these products with minimal adverse
effects. These small single-dose tubes,
however, contain concentrated permethrin
(45% to 65%) as the active ingredient.
Concentrated permethrin spot-on products are labeled for use in dogs only, and may cause severe and
often fatal toxicosis if applied to cats.
Fleas have
been a source of much misery for pet cats and dogs. They can transmit diseases
to cats, as well as to humans.
Fortunately, modern flea control products can provide an amazing level
of efficacy. Understanding the flea life cycle is critical in formulating a
comprehensive flea-and-tick control strategy.
Talk to your veterinarian about which products are right for you, as
different products offer different benefits.
Be aware, however, that improper use of these products can result in
treatment failure, and use of unsuitable or mislabeled products can have dire
health consequences.
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