My Trip to Burma: We return to Yangon for a glorious, unguided afternoon.
Our last morning in Mandalay. Rough night for my partner, Mark, though. The very spicy tomato dish we had for dinner
last night at Too Too caused heartburn that kept him up half of the night. A handful of Tums and a couple of Rolaids
finally did the trick and he got a few hours of sleep. We headed upstairs for our final
breakfast. I can’t eat “Asian” food for
breakfast. Fried rice, egg rolls,
vegetable stir fry… not at 7:30
a.m. Today they had little pancakes, which
were pretty good. Again we had a nice
chat with the kindly hotel manager. We
told him we visited Pwin Oo Lwin yesterday. He said he attended boarding school
there from the age of 12 to 20. Marn had
told us that the town was known for their fine boarding schools.
Our driver was waiting for us in the lobby. True to form, he drove like a madman to the
airport, getting us there 30 minutes earlier than anticipated. We went to our gate and waited, with many
others, for our flight to Rangoon. In
Burma, the public address system is a guy shouting out your gate number,
followed by a swarm of humanity. At
10:45, our flight time, an airport worker shouted out some numbers, and
everyone rose and rushed the gate. We
got to the gate and were steered back, saying that this was not our
flight. We went back to our seats and
watched as everyone boarded the plane except for me, Mark, and four other
people. I don’t know where all those
other folks were headed, but I’m thinking, there’s no way that there’s only six
of us flying to Yangon. Two of the
others looked American, and they were holding boarding passes from our same
airline, AIR KBZ. I asked where they were
going, and they said Bagan. Now I’m
worried. Did we miss our flight? Are we
at the wrong gate? There was no one
there even to ask. Then, after a few
tense minutes, a KBZ guy signaled for us to come through. We all got on a bus, and were soon joined by
about three others, and nine of us were taken to the plane. Our flight to Yangon was stopping in Bagan
first. And yes, it was just nine of us
on the plane.

We checked into the Grand United 21st Downtown hotel, the same one we started with in Yangon at the start of our trip. The room was a little better this time, sunnier with a nicer view.

The open ceiling in the courtyard gave a nice airy feel.

I loved these colorful doors.
I invaded this woman's privacy by photographing her while she was praying. Hey, it happens.
Spotted this cute little cat on the street outside a clothing stand.
The central alter has an image of Mazu, flanked by Guan Gong, the god of war on her left, and Bao Sheng Da Di, the god of medicine, on her right.

Mark checks out his fortune. Each reed contains a fortune. You shake the can back and forth, and one reed ends up sticking out further than the others. Eventually it falls on the ground, and that's the one with your fortune.

The market is divided between two parallel buildings separated by
a pedestrian alleyway that hosts one of Yangon’s biggest and busiest vegetable
markets. Here, we're in the alleyway. The building on the left has the clothing market. The one on the right has the spice market. The alleyway itself, well... see for yourself.

How nice. A guy smoking his cigarette while peddling a variety of chicken feet. Oh, those things in the bottom right corner? Severed chicken heads. How appealing.
This kitty seems unperturbed by all the chaos. Well...her ears are back. Maybe she IS perturbed.
We went inside into the spice market. Unlike some of the other spice markets we'd been to, this one was very cramped and not as clean as the others.
We crossed the alley and went into the clothing market in the westernmost building. Again, very tight quarters, the place piled high with endless stacks of material. You could barely move!

Two tourists came by while we were there and asked if they were open, and I said no, that the sign on the door says open from 9:30 to 12:00. The woman said that according to her guide book, they opened again from 4 to 6. It didn't say that on the front door, but maybe her guidebook was right. Perhaps we'll come back later, if possible.
This is the view, out onto the street, once you walk through the front gate and turn around.
The synagogue will have much more significance later in the day.
We hit the street again. It was sweltering. There was a very popular outdoor stall that was selling cold drinks. Everyone was clamoring for one. Mark got the brown one. I got the fluorescent green one, which looked like a glass of antifreeze.
Not sure what flavor my green drink was, but man oh man, it was terrific.
We headed north, to check out some colonial buildings we missed on the first day. We headed up an alley that specialized in electronics. I was amazed that stores like this could stay in business. It was basically just piles and piles of junk. I couldn't help but wonder, who the hell is buying any of this stuff?
I made a mental note not to visit this dentist. Ever.
We continued strolling the city, mainly around Pansodan Street, and gazed at the colonial architecture. Check out the buildings below. Impressive.
By now it was 5:00. Mark said, "Let's go back to the synagogue and see if they are indeed open from 4 to 6." I didn't think we'd have enough time, but he said we should give it a try. I wasn't sure why he wanted to go back so badly, but he insisted, so I said okay. Our day was winding down anyway, and the synagogue was on the way back to our hotel.
We got to the synagogue at 5:20. Alas, they were closed. It was really hot, and we had been walking all afternoon, so we sat on the steps and rested a bit. Mark then commented about how lucky we were to be able to travel like this, and I agreed. Then he mentioned that it was nice traveling with me because we get along so well, and again, I agreed. When we travel, we're totally in synch. Never a cross word between us. Like two peas in a pod.
Then, he reaches into his backpack, and pulls out a small box... and proposes marriage! Right there, on the steps of the only synagogue in all of Burma.
I was shocked! And elated, of course. We've been together 16 years, and yes, one day we knew we'd get married. But there had been no formal proposal. To do it on the steps of the synagogue in Rangoon was pretty slick. Something I'll remember forever.
We headed back to the hotel after the synagogue and made plans for dinner, to celebrate. The streets were really bustling, and it was a blast being out there experiencing it.
We found our way to Kosan restaurant. Just our luck, we managed to get the lone table on the small balcony that overlooks the busy street. Perfect. We ordered pina coladas (80 cents each. Seriously.), and some pork for Mark and a burger for me. Entire meal was about 6 bucks, and was fabulous.

The view over the street was pretty entertaining.
We leisurely strolled back to the hotel. The streets were insanely crowded. After about six blocks, I realized: my shoulder bag was gone. I had left it on the seat at Kosan. In the bag was my guidebook, and my camera, with the memory card containing about 5000 photos of our entire trip.
I was wearing sneakers, but Mark was in flip-flops and couldn't really run. I raced back, in 88 degree heat, through throngs of people, in a panic. I finally reached the restaurant, and without even stopping to explain myself, just dashed upstairs to the balcony.
No one had used our table since we had eaten. There, hanging on the back of the chair, was my bag, resting quietly. I grabbed it and went back down. Mark arrived just as I came back down. What a relief. After a 6 block dash in 88 degree weather, I was sweating like a madman. I checked my Fitbit. My heart rate was 136. We grabbed a drink on the street and slowly, calmly walked back to our hotel, ending our stint in Rangoon, in what had to be one of the most memorable nights in my life.
Tomorrow: our final city, Bago, and then we fly back home.
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